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  • heey19930853 Моя цель поиграть с ботами на локальном сервере с обычными 9 рассами при своих значениях скилов

    сервер скачал
    загрузил ботов
    загрузил стандартный war3ft

    проблема что не могу настроить их скилы
    в редакторе поставил свои значения, полученный war3ft.amxx закинул на сервер, но ничего не поменялось

    *кстати а в каком файле редактируются цены в шопменю1 и шопменю2, я такой файл не нашел
    может дело в том что скаченный готовый сервер без исходников ?

    я скачал несколько серверов с разными уровнями 10, 100, и другие
    везде одинаковая проблема
    не настраиваются способности которые закидываешь war3ft.amxx файл из редактора

    где находится war3FT.txt именно txt GFG я вижу а вот txt нигде нету

    (30.06.2022, 00:56)

  • dragonlive228 Извините можно вопрос у меня по какой то причине никак не получаеться прописать админку не знаю ответит мне кто то за такой промежуток времени но надеюсь кто нибудь мне все таки поможет

    (29.11.2021, 20:02)

  • dacent-pro Добрый день! Нас заинтересовал ваш сайт. Как мы могли бы пообщаться по поводу сотрудничества? Как пример, мы бы хотели разместить статью на вашем сайте про наш. Ответьте пожалуйста на почту maks89of@mail.ru, если вас это заинтересовало, заранее спасибо!

    (19.07.2021, 12:29)

  • q1w2e3r4t5y6 Привет всем а что за ошибка не загружает модель

    Model models/frostnova.mdl not found and not available from server
    Cannot continue without model models/frostnova.mdl, disconnecting.

    (23.04.2021, 19:27)

  • alexmocrushin Эти Версии Нужны, Обновите Ссылки Лучше На Яндекс Диск Или Майл ! angel

    (21.02.2021, 13:02)

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    Главная » Файлы » Системные » Восстановление паролей

    NirLauncher Package – набор из более чем 100 утилит для восстановления паролей, настройки, диагностики и мониторинга ОС семейства Windows, включая контроль сети, просмотр и извлечение cookies, кэша, хранящихся Вашим Web-браузером, а также многие другие утилиты, собранные в единый архив и объединенные в удобную оболочку для запуска.

    • Утилиты портативны и могут запускаться с любого носителя информации, без инсталляции.
    • Все утилиты в пакетах - полностью свободно распространяемое обеспечение, без любого Spyware/Adware/Malware.
    • Пакеты включают разнообразие инструментальных средств для своего ежедневного компьютерного использования, включая утилиты просмотра потерянных паролей, контроль сети, просмотр и извлечение cookies, кэш, и другую информацию.
    • Для каждой утилиты Вы можете легко рассмотреть файл справки или перейти к Web-странице.
    • В зависимости от разрядности системы, автоматически запускаются утилиты для x86 или x64 систем.

    Список входящих утилит:
    AlternateStreamView v1.15 - Find all hidden alternate streams stored in the file system.
    AppCrashView v1.10 - Displays the details of all application crashes occurred in your system.
    Asterisk Logger v1.04 - Reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks ('***') boxes.
    AdapterWatch v1.05 - Displays useful information about your network adapters.
    ActiveXHelper v1.12 - View essential information about ActiveX components installed on your computer.
    BlueScreenView v1.29 - Show information about blue screen crashes occurred in your system.
    BluetoothCL v1.05 - Show bluetooth devices list.
    BluetoothView v1.40 - Monitors the activity of Bluetooth devices around you.
    BulkFileChanger v1.02 - Change date/time/attributes of multiple files.
    ChromeCacheView v1.25 - Chrome Browser Cache Viewer.
    ChromePass v1.16 - Password recovery tool for Google Chrome Web browser.
    CleanAfterMe v1.37 - Clean files and Registry values in your system.
    Clipboardic v1.10 - Small and simple clipboard manager.
    Content Advisor Password Remover v1.01
    CurrPorts v1.85 - Displays the list of all currently opened TCP/UDP ports on your computer.
    CurrProcess v1.13 - Displays the list of all processes currently running on your system.
    CustomizeIE v1.01 - Add/delete toolbar buttons and menu items in Internet Explorer.
    DeviceIOView v1.02 - Watch the data transfer between a software or service and a device driver.
    DevManView v1.12 - Alternative to the standard Device Manager of Windows.
    Dialupass v3.10 - Recovers Dial-Up passwords in all versions of Windows.
    DiskCountersView v1.00 - Show disk drive read/write counters.
    DiskSmartView v1.02 - Retrieves S.M.A.R.T information from IDE/SATA disks.
    DLL Export Viewer v1.42 - Lists DLL exported functions and their memory addresses - for debugging.
    DNSDataView v1.08 - Retrieve the DNS records (MX, NS, A, SOA) of the specified domains.
    DotNetResourcesExtract v1.0.1.0 - Extract embedded resources from .NET applications.
    DownTester v1.28 - Test your Internet download speed.
    DriverView v1.21 - Displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system.
    FastResolver v1.22 - Resolves multiple host names into IP addresses/MAC Addresses and vice versa.
    FavoritesView v1.25 - Displays the list of all your Favorties/bookmarks in a single page.
    FileTypesMan v1.60 - Alternative to the 'File Types' manager of Windows.
    FlashCookiesView v1.11 - View Flash cookies stored in your computer.
    GDIView v1.06 - Displays the list of GDI handles opened by every process.
    HashMyFiles v1.68 - Calculate the MD5/SHA1 hashes of your files.
    HeapMemView v1.02 - View the content of all memory blocks allocated in the heap.
    HTMLAsText v1.11 - Converts HTML documents to simple text files.
    HtmlDocEdit v1.02 - Simple HTML designer/editor.
    IconsExtract v1.47 - Extract icons and cursors from executbale files (EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, etc.).
    IECacheView v1.33 - List all files currently stored in the cache of Internet Explorer.
    IECookiesView v1.74 - Displays the cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer
    IEHistoryView v1.52 - Displays the list of all Web sites that you recently visited.
    IE PassView v1.25 - Recover passwords stored by Internet Explorer (Versions 4.0 - 8.0).
    InsideClipboard v1.11 - Displays the content of all formats stored in the clipboard.
    InstalledCodec v1.15 - List Codec drivers and DirectShow filters installed on your system.
    IPInfoOffline v1.18 - View country information about IP addresses.
    IPNetInfo v1.25 - Easily find all available information about IP address.
    LiveContactsView v1.07 - View the details of all contacts in your Windows Live Messenger.
    LSASecretsDump v1.21 - Dump the LSA secrets from the Registry.
    LSASecretsView v1.21 - Displays the list of all LSA secrets stored in the Registry on your computer.
    MACAddressView v1.13 - MAC address lookup tool.
    Mail PassView v1.70 - Recovers email passwords.
    MonitorInfoView v1.05 - Displays essential information about your monitor.
    MozillaCacheView v1.30 - List all files currently stored in the cache of Firefox/Mozilla browser.
    MozillaHistoryView v1.26 - Displays the list of visited Web sites in Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Web browsers.
    MessenPass v1.35 - Recovers the passwords of instant messenger programs.
    MUICacheView v1.01 - Edit/delete MUICache items in your system.
    MetarWeather v1.67 - Decode METAR weather reports, and display them in a simple weather report table.
    MyEventViewer v1.40 - MyEventViewer is a simple alternative to the standard event viewer of Windows.
    MyLastSearch v1.46 - View your latest searches with Google, Yahoo, and MSN
    MyUninstaller v1.66 - Alternative utility to the standard Add/Remove applet of Windows.
    MozillaCookiesView v1.30 - Alternative to the standard 'Cookie Manager' provided by Netscape and Mozilla.
    Network Password Recovery v1.30 - Recover network passwords on Windows XP/2003/Vista.
    NetResView v1.21 - Displays the list of all network resources on your LAN.
    NetRouteView v1.06 - GUI alternative to the standard route utility of Windows.
    NirCmd v2.45 - Do many useful tasks from command-line.
    NK2Edit v1.50 - Full NK2 (AutoComplete) editor for Microsoft Outlook.
    NK2View v1.43 - View the content of Outlook AutoComplete .NK2 file.
    NTFSLinksView v1.00 - View the list of NTFS symbolic links/junctions in selected folder.
    OfficeIns v1.05 - Displays the details of all installed Microsoft Office add-ins on your computer.
    OpenedFilesView v1.47 - Displays the list of all opened files on your system.
    OpenWithView v1.11 - Disable/enable items in the 'Open With' dialog-box of Windows.
    OperaCacheView v1.37 - Cache viewer for Opera Web browser.
    OperaPassView v1.02 - Password recovery tool for Opera Web browser.
    OutlookAttachView v1.37 - Extract multiple attachments from Outlook.
    OutlookStatView v1.22 - Display a general statistics of your Outlook emails.
    PasswordFox v1.26 - View passwords stored in Firefox Web browser.
    PCAnywhere PassView v1.12
    PingInfoView v1.25 - Ping multiple host names and IP addresses.
    ProcessActivityView v1.11 - Show the file activity for selected process.
    ProduKey v1.45 - Displays the CD-Keys of MS-Office/Windows installed on your computer.
    PstPassword v1.15 - Recover lost password of Outlook PST file.
    Remote Desktop PassView v1.01 - Reveals the password stored by Microsoft Remote Desktop utility.
    RecentFilesView v1.10 - Display the list of recently opened files.
    RegDllView v1.41 - RegDllView is a small utility that displays the list of all registered files.
    RegFileExport v1.06 - Export offline Registry file to .reg file.
    RegFromApp v1.21 - Creates .reg file according to Registry changes made by application.
    RegScanner v1.82 - Scan and find values in the Registry.
    ResourcesExtract v1.15 - Extract resources from dll/ocx/exe files.
    RouterPassView v1.25 - Recover passwords from router config file.
    RunAsDate v1.10 - Run a program with the specified date.
    SearchFilterView v1.00 - view the search filters installed on your system.
    SearchMyFiles v1.55 - Alternative to the standard "Search For Files And Folders" module of Windows.
    SeqDownload v1.26 - Download sequence of images from the Web, and create animation from them.
    ServiWin v1.40 - Displays the list of installed drivers and services on your system.
    ShellBagsView v1.06 - Displays the list of all folder settings saved by Windows.
    ShellMenuNew v1.01 - Disable/Enable items in the New submenu of Explorer.
    ShellExView v1.48 - Displays the details of shell extensions installed on your computer.
    ShortcutsMan v1.05 - Lists all shortcuts on your desktop/start menu.
    ShellMenuView v1.15 - Disable/enable static menu items in cotext menu of Explorer.
    SiteShoter v1.38 - Save a screenshot of any Web page into a file.
    SkypeLogView v1.15 - View log files created by Skype.
    SmartSniff v1.72 - Captures TCP/IP packets and view the captured data as sequence of conversations.
    SniffPass v1.12 - Capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter.
    SocketSniff v1.07 - Watch the Windows Sockets (WinSock) activity of the selected process.
    SpecialFoldersView v1.14 - Easily jump to special folders in your system.
    SysExporter v1.51 - Grab the data stored in list-views, tree-views, list boxes, and combo boxes.
    URLProtocolView v1.15 - View/disable/enable the URL protocols installed on your system.
    URLStringGrabber v1.00 - Grab URL strings of Web sites from Internet Explorer.
    USBDeview v1.82 - Lists all installed USB devices that you previously used.
    UserAssistView v1.01 - This utility decrypt and displays the list of all UserAssist entries.
    UserProfilesView v1.01 - View user profiles information on your system.
    VideoCacheView v1.81 - Extract Web site video files from the cache of your Web browser.
    VNCPassView v1.02 - Recover the passwords stored by the VNC tool.
    Volumouse v1.72 - Adjust the volume of your speaker with the wheel of your mouse.
    WebVideoCap v1.40 - Capture Flash Video files and RTSP streams while watching them in a Web browser.
    WhatInStartup v1.25 - Disable/enable/delete programs that are loaded at Windows startup.
    WhoisCL v1.36 - Get WHOIS information about a registered domain from command-line.
    WhoisThisDomain v1.52 - Get information about a registered domain from WHOIS server.
    WhosIP v1.06 - Find all available information about an IP address from command-line.
    WinFontsView v1.05 - Display sample of all fonts installed on your system.
    WinLister v1.13 - This utility displays the list of opened windows on your system.
    WinPrefetchView v1.10 - View the Prefetch files (.pf) stored in your system.
    WirelessKeyView v1.34 - Recovers lost wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer.
    WirelessNetConsole v1.00 - View wireless networks information (console application).
    WirelessNetView v1.30 - Monitor the activity of wireless networks around you.
    WinUpdatesList v1.23 - Displays the list of all Windows updates (Service Packs and Hotfixes).

    Известные проблемы:
    * Ложные срабатывания антивирусов: многие антивирусные программы показывают ложные срабатывания, заявляя, что утилиты заражены Trojan/Virus/Malware.

    Язык интерфейса: Английский/Русский
    Формат файла: rar
    Платформа: PC
    Операционная система: Windows® ALL
    Размер: 7,75 MB
    Информация для восстановления: 10%
    Лекарство: Присутствует
    Теги: бесплатно, скачать, паролей, 1.10.07, взлом, Package, восстановление, NirLauncher
    Просмотров: 1265 | Загрузок: 28 | Дата: 05.02.2025 | Добавил: SMaster
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