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Уважаемые скриптеры! Помогите переделать плагин под друг.мод
Дата: Среда, 12.11.2014, 23:17 | Сообщение # 1

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Здравствуйте, как мне переделать базуку из зомби сервера для своего csdm сервера
Буду дико благодарен, если скажете, что на, что менять.
Как добавить, чтоб её купить можно было, я не нашел команду для покупки, только для админов?
Как сделать, чтоб она была на 5 слоте (бомба) и не нужно было что-либо нажимать.
Дело в том, что на сервере игроки не будут знать на, что им нажимать.
Дата: Среда, 10.12.2014, 20:27 | Сообщение # 2

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    #  #  #    #===    ###    ##    #
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<VeCo>'s Bazooka 1.2

Plugin made by <VeCo>
Special thanks to:
  - bambuca : for the idea of the plugin.

If you modify the code, please DO NOT change the author!
e-mail: veco.kn@gmail.com
skype: veco_kn
Changes log:
  -> v 1.0 = First release!
  -> v 1.1 = Fixed bug with the drop.
         Fixed bug with center messages.
         Fixed 'drop, get and shoot again' bug.
         Fixed bug with rocket entity.
         Fixed bug with removing the bazooka on death.
  -> v 1.2 = Fixed bug with removing the bazooka on death.


#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <engine>
#include <cstrike>

new sprite_explosion,sprite_beamcylinder,
maxplayers, has_bazooka[33],can_shoot[33]
public plugin_precache()
     sprite_explosion = precache_model("sprites/zerogxplode.spr")
     sprite_beamcylinder = precache_model("sprites/white.spr")

public plugin_init() {
     register_plugin("<VeCo>'s Bazooka", "1.2", "<VeCo>")
     cvar_cost = register_cvar("vecbz_cost","1000")
     cvar_speed = register_cvar("vecbz_rocket_speed","800")
     cvar_damage = register_cvar("vecbz_damage","150")
     cvar_reload_time = register_cvar("vecbz_reload_time","10.0")
     cvar_radius = register_cvar("vecbz_radius","200")
     cvar_can_drop = register_cvar("vecbz_can_drop","1")
     cvar_one_round = register_cvar("vecbz_one_round","0")
     register_clcmd("say /bazooka","buy_bazooka",BAZOOKA_ACCESS)
     register_clcmd("say_team /bazooka","buy_bazooka",BAZOOKA_ACCESS)
     maxplayers = get_maxplayers()

public buy_bazooka(id,level,cid)
     if(!cmd_access(id,level,cid,1)) return
         client_print(id,print_chat," [VECBZ]You must be alive to buy a bazooka.")
     if(cs_get_user_money(id) < get_pcvar_num(cvar_cost))
         client_print(id,print_chat," [VECBZ]You don't have enogh money to buy a bazooka.")
         client_print(id,print_chat," [VECBZ]You have already own a bazooka.")
     cs_set_user_money(id,cs_get_user_money(id) - get_pcvar_num(cvar_cost), 1)
     has_bazooka [id]= true
     can_shoot [id]= true

public drop_bazooka(id) if(get_pcvar_num(cvar_can_drop) && get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_KNIFE && has_bazooka[id]) action_drop_user_bazooka(id)

public shoot_bazooka(ent)
     new id = entity_get_edict(ent,EV_ENT_owner)
     if(!has_bazooka[id]) return HAM_IGNORED
         client_print(id,print_center," [VECBZ]You can't use the bazooka right now. Please wait...")
         return HAM_IGNORED
     return HAM_IGNORED

public action_drop_user_bazooka(id)
     has_bazooka [id]= false
     can_shoot [id]= false
     new ent = create_entity("info_target")
         new Float:origin[3],Float:velocity[3]
         origin[0] += velocity[0]
         origin[1] += velocity[1]

public action_shoot_user_bazooka(id)
     can_shoot [id]= false
     new ent = create_entity("info_target")
         new Float:origin[3],Float:velocity[3],Float:angles[3]
         origin[0] += velocity[0]
         origin[1] += velocity[1]
         velocity[0] = 0.0
         velocity[1] = 0.0
         entity_set_int(ent,EV_INT_effects,entity_get_int(ent,EV_INT_effects) | EF_LIGHT)

public action_reload_user_bazooka(id)
     if(!is_user_connected(id) || !has_bazooka[id]) return
     can_shoot [id]= true
     client_print(id,print_center," [VECBZ]Your bazooka has been reloaded. Now you can shoot again!")

public get_bazooka(ent,id)
     if(has_bazooka[id]) return
     has_bazooka [id]= true
     can_shoot [id]= false

public touch_bazooka(world,ent)
     if(!is_valid_ent(ent)) return
     new Float:origin[3], origin_int[3], owner = entity_get_edict(ent,EV_ENT_owner)
     new id = -1
     while((id = find_ent_in_sphere(id,origin,float(get_pcvar_num(cvar_radius)))) != 0)
         if(!is_user_connected(owner)) break
         if(1 <= id <= maxplayers)
             if(get_user_team(id) == get_user_team(owner)) continue
             ExecuteHamB(Ham_TakeDamage,id, owner,owner, float(get_pcvar_num(cvar_damage)), DMG_ALWAYSGIB)
     write_byte(floatround(get_pcvar_num(cvar_radius) * 0.5))
     write_byte(floatround(get_pcvar_num(cvar_radius) * 0.25))
     write_coord(origin_int[2] + get_pcvar_num(cvar_radius))

public hook_death()
     new id = read_data(2)
         if(has_bazooka [id]&& get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_KNIFE) action_drop_user_bazooka(id)
         has_bazooka [id]= false
         can_shoot [id]= false
     } else {
         has_bazooka [id]= false
         can_shoot [id]= false

public event_curweapon(id)

public round_end()
         for(new i=1;i<maxplayers;i++)
                 has_bazooka [i]= false
                 can_shoot [i]= false
                 if(get_user_weapon(i) == CSW_KNIFE)

public client_connect(id) has_bazooka [id]= false
public client_disconnect(id) has_bazooka [id]= false
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