Цитата ™††_AmBrUtPrI1eSt_††™ (
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Народ подскажите как сделать что бы за убиство давало мало хп , в голову и тк ) то кач очень быстрый убил в хед дало 17к опыта
Открывай addons/amxmodx/scripting/war3ft/XP.h
И там редактируй:
#define DEFUSING_BOMB 100 // XP awarded when the user starts to defuse the bomb
#define DEFUSED_BOMB 200 // XP awarded when the user defuses the bomb
#define PLANTING_BOMB 100 // XP awarded when the user starts planting the bomb
#define PLANT_BOMB 200 // XP awarded when the user plants the bomb
#define SPAWN_BOMB 100 // XP awarded when the user spawns with the bomb
#define BOMB_PICKUP 100 // XP awarded when the user picks up the bomb
#define TOUCH_HOSTAGE 100 // XP awarded when the user touches a hostage
#define RESCUE_HOSTAGE 200 // XP awarded when the user rescues the hostage
#define KILL_HOSTAGE 100 // XP lost when killing a hostage
#define SPAWN_VIP 100 // XP awarded for spawning as the VIP
#define ESCAPE_VIP 200 // XP awarded for escaping as the VIP
#define OBJ_RADIUS 5000 // Nearby radius to award XP for helping complete objectives
// Kill modifiers
#define KILL_HEADSHOT 100 // XP awarded for getting a headshot
#define KILL_HOSTAGE_SAVER 100 // XP awarded for killing the hostage saver
#define KILL_DEFUSER 100 // XP awarded for killing the defuser
#define KILL_PLANTER 100 // XP awarded for killing the planter
#define KILL_BOMB_CARRIER 100 // XP awarded for killing the bomb carrier
#define KILL_VIP 200 // XP awarded for killing the VIP
#define KILL_RADIUS 2500 // Nearby radius to award XP
#define WIN_ROUND 200 // XP awarded for winning the round